Picture of J. Hefferon

Jim Hefferon

Mathematics and Statistics
University of Vermont

This page will get you to some documents, including my Linear Algebra text Theory of Computation text. It also has information about how to reach me.

What's Up?

I have three books that are Free.

Please note that the canonical web page for these books is now hefferon.net. This site is mobile friendly and has a number of other advantages. If you make links, please use that URL.

I'm also having a lot of fun with Logic, Scheme, and ham radio. (I'm KE1AZ by the way. CW QSO?) And, jogging.

Reaching Me.

The best place to get my email is hefferon.net.

Additional documents

An undergraduate Number Theory book.

This book is also available free for downloading. It covers a first course, and is based on a writeup by W Edwin Clark, of the University of South Florida. It also comes with LaTeX source.

A Calculus lab on the Local Growth Rates of Polynomials, and the LaTeX and Gnuplot source.
This lab is intended to be used right away---in the first week---as a way of developing derivatives that complements the tangent line development. My approach is that (i) labs in Calculus should focus on Calculus as much as possible, not on the software, and (ii) students will get more out of a lab if they prepare for it ahead of time. This lab has three parts---Before the Keyboard, At the Keyboard, and After the Keyboard. In the first part they do some by-hand problems, which get expanded in the second part to problems best suited to machine calculation. Then the third part is a quite short, ``where do we go from here''-type thing. All three parts have a few exercises.

I intend to write some more in the same style when I get a chance. (if someone sends me mail telling me how great this one is, that would be an inducement!).